Thursday 26th March 2020
This week has seen the start of our classes using Zoom and it has been brilliant to see so many of you joining in from your homes.
We are now running a reduced timetable so that we can all work around our families at home and our BE.Dancers can do as much or as little as they like. Current students are more than welcome to dip in and out of any class in their level over the next few weeks, even if its not your usual style. It’s a good way to stay active and try new things whilst we are all at home. We even have a class for parents, so please feel free to join us.
We had originally planned to run more classes over on our bedancers channel on YouTube- these would have been for everyone to access and we were hopeful that we could reach out and offer our classes far and wide. Unfortunately we hit a major bump in the road and our plans have been scuppered, however, we will try to deliver some content on this channel over the next few weeks- just without music!
We would also like to take this point to say a huge thank you to all of the parents who have reached out and sent such lovely messages of support. We have always wanted to keep BE.Dance really positive and create a fun and nurturing environment for all of our dancers. We will continue to do so until our BE.Dance family can come back together again.
Take care everyone!
Becca x
Sending Team BE.Dance lots of L.O.V.E.