Tuesday 28th April, 2020
Hey Team,
Hope you are all keeping well? We are so proud of how well you are all doing, staying at home and continuing with schoolwork and dancing. It does feel like a bit of a rollercoaster but try to stay positive and we will get through this.
I have to say that I have started to feel quite lethargic over the last couple of weeks, despite doing my daily PE session with Ted and Joe Wicks and a lunchtime run round the block. Exercise seems like a real effort and my muscles feel really tight and tired but I am sure that this is physiological and has more to do with the current situation than actual fitness levels.
It is so important to keep active, even when you really don’t feel like it, not only in terms of exercise but also more importantly for our state of mind. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins in the blood stream and this triggers a positive feeling in the body. Even a small amount of exercise each day can improve your mood enormously and this is why we are so thrilled to see you joining in at home.
In addition to our weekly classes, this week we are also really looking forward to our day of dance on Saturday. At the time of writing we have raised nearly £900.00 for the NHS Charities Together and we hope that we can raise more in the next couple of days!
Our teachers have lots of fun mini workshops planned over the course of the day and we encourage you and all the family to join in. In Broadway we will be learning choreography to ‘You Can’t Stop The Beat’ from Hairspray and Hannah will be teaching ‘A Cover Is Not The Book’ from Mary Poppins Returns. In Lyrical we have a lovely dance to the song ‘Lover’ by Taylor Swift and Shawne Mendes and our Commercial sessions will have choreography to ‘We’re All In This Together’, ‘Ice Ice Baby’ & ‘Reach For The Stars’- keeping it cheesy! On top of that we will have a Tap & Rhythm workshop with Amy and Stretch with Hannah.
Like many of you, our ‘social life’ has mainly consisted of quizzing with friends and family and we thought that we would have a dance based quiz at lunchtime. Grab a sandwich, pull up a chair and join us for the BE.Dance Quiz- you may want to team up with the rest of your family for some help with this as there are some tricky questions- brush up on your dance knowledge!
At the end of the day we will have a BE.Dance party and encourage you to dress up- fancy dress, rainbows, party dresses, its totally up to you- the more outrageous and sparkly the better!
Throughout the day we will be awarding prizes for star dancers, quiz winners, best dressed etc- we have hoodies, t-shirts, bags and joggers to give away so make sure you join us!
We really hope to see lots of you joining in on Saturday, either all day (there will be breaks in between) or for a couple of workshops. The day will be a celebration of our bedancers and a chance for you all to raise money and support for the NHS who have worked so hard to keep us all safe and well.
Stay home. Stay safe. And Keep Dancing!
Becca x
Thank you Sara for this fantastic poster- we love it!